Letter for 10 months old baby

Little Man,
your little personality is really taking off! You are officially in double digits, 10 months old!!Getting closer and closer to the big year!! ans yes we are planing something big for your big day.
 your love towards music is awesome. my cutie, you just want to listen music and dancing :). little bit support and you did rock :) all family love to see you dance and walking steps. your smile is adorable.on this months your facial expression added more cuteness on you. here are some clicks this months.

speaking some new words. on This months your height is 29.5 Inc and, weight is 10 Kg and Head circular is 19 Inc. 
OMG !!! looking like a girl. looking so pretty in grown hair. 
Point out at body parts.
Put toys back in to box.
two new teeth pope up.
Doing different faces and sounds.

Congratulations my baby ...
Specking and language growth on fast track
Physical growths on fast track
Eye-hand co-ordination growth is on track
Social emotional growth on fast track
Learning skill growth on fast track
Health and wellness on track
So my Honey after seeing your smiles nothing give trouble. i never hurry to see increments on your age but defiantly on your precious moments.

Your Mumma


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