Sugar addiction in children? 10 tips to minimize sweets/sugar/chocolates from baby diet.

Mommy was so happy when baby reach at 6 months. As baby’s grown their test almost gone more on sweets!!! As we all have!!! As per the pediatric the diet of children’s must be a full pack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This all should be comes from grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and meats. Sweets and Chocolates is not the best choice for snacking as it’s create obesity, cavities and tooth decay. Doctors also suggest not introducing sweets for the first year so baby can develop other healthy test. As parents we have to give a spacing out for healthier diet. Some small tricks or daily routine we can minimize sweets or sugar or chocolates intake from baby diet.

1.Be A Leader: we all know baby learnt faster seeing us. children are so fast that they coping everything what we do. So if we want to create good habit in them firstly we have to change our habits. For an example: some family has rituals that must take sweets after dinner/meal. On behalf this you can became a role model for them and change habit. For example: always eat sweets on party or special occasion. Today’s generation are too smart that they get fasten everything and follow it. It’s also creating good habit for their future.

2.Healthy Habits: we all seen when baby do anything firstly they see at our side (like see I did this) at time as a parents we have to teach about good habits or bad habits. Frequent talks create healthy bond between children’s and parents too. For example; when baby choose sweets/chocolates tell  them what is the bad side of eating chocolates too much???  As the long time we didn’t needs to shouting on them they are so smart that get everything.

3.Healthy manual: before baby born we create manual as per our choice but when baby started their solid food we must have to change manual according to them. Separate manual for baby is not good choice because when children see different food on other plate they trying to go for that.

4.Natural Sweeteners: we all know honey for the natural sweetener but there is also an apple sauce, date sauce or jaggery that cannot harmful for children’s health. You can easily do homemade apple sauce, or date sauce for adding sweet test on baby food. Include sweet fruits in the recipe this will not only give sweet test but also fulfill the nutrient target.

5.Give A Choice: let give a space to decide them. For that firstly give all the good sides or bad side of eating too much sweets/chocolates. Give a knowledge to choosing best option from given don’t force them to selecting what you want.

6.Don’t use chocolates/sweets as a treat: it is trick or treat !!! Don’t make mind of baby on this way. For an example; I see many parents who said if you sit calmly I give you a chocolate. Or if you complete your homework I will give you sweet. This will create a bad habit on children’s. don’t draw attention like this. In future this became a weapon for children that give something than I do thing.

7.Assurance For Next Time: set a baby mind in very age about eating time. For example; baby eat one chocolate and demanding for another say very lovingly that this time do finish we go surly next time. Baby gets your NO easily. This will give knowledge to quantity of take intake.

8.Snack time: instead of going to sweets or chocolates go for snacks. Make snack time as fun time so children attract to choosing snacks. This ia sweet offer for them without sweets!!!

9.Take Off Sweets From View: as our granny do on our childhood !! take off all sweets jar from the front of view. Simple rule is when we see infant of our eyes we start eating. So better to put it out of children’s sight. Move healthy snacks in view like fruits and vegetables. This make a big difference on children’s eating patterns.

10.The 90/10 Rule : last but not least!! teach older kids the 90/10 rules which is given by Jill Castle, MS,RD pediatric nutrition specialist. according to this rule give a choice to baby for selecting a fun food(like chips, fries, soda, chocolates or other). This is only 10% of their whole diet. This give rise up in baby and satisfaction that they choosing their favorite food. Its also make a good schedule to eat healthy without disturbing healthy manual.

its always good to create some healthy rules from very age because the present rules are future habit. we didn't need to put extra effort when children grown up.


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